Sunday's begin @ 9:30 a.m. The following is a list of classes with groups descriptions. Note the room number. Maps are posted in the hallways:
Hope Class, Senior Adult Couples Room W105
Glorious Friends Class, Senior Adult Ladies Room W102
Love Class, Senior Adult Ladies Room W103
Grace Class, Senior Adult Ladies Room W101
R&R Class, Couples Age: 60's-70's Room E204
Basic Class, Married and Singles Age: 40's - 70's Room E201
Faith Family Friends Couples Age: 30's - 60's RoomE202
Gifted Age: 20's-70's Room - The Square (upstairs next to elevator)
Ladies Disciples Age: 20's-50's Room E102
El Caminar Del Discipulo Room W104 (En Espanol)
Disciples 1 Age: 30's-40's Room E103
Disciples 2 Age: 30's-40's Room E104
Young Adults: Couples and Singles 20's non-college Room E203
College (Traditional College Students) Late teens - mid 20's Meets on Sunday Nights at the college house - 53 E. 15th Street (across the parking lot from the church)
Students 6th - 12th Grade meet in Student Center across the street
Children's Life Groups meet in Children's Wing
Preschool meets in Children's Wing
Please let us know how we can assist you in finding the right Life Group for you!
