- Fri, Feb 21
- Date and time is TBD
Welcome to Immanuel Baptist
What To Expect at IBC
Our service has a blend of music styles with an emphasis on authentic
worship to our God. The Bible is taught and the truth is resounded in the
preaching. We invite your whole family to come as we also have a nursery
for babies and a dedicated children's service during the 11:00 am service.
Most of our church family dress very casual - boots and blue jeans along
with untucked shirts - but you might see a sports coat and possibly a tie.
Sundays 11:00am
Our service features a blended worship style with solid, Biblical teaching.
We offer Sunday Morning Life Groups for all ages - birth to our most mature adults.
Sunday School starts at 9:30 a.m.
We have a class waiting for you! Find a Sunday School Life Group
Wednesday Night 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting/Bible Studies for adults
Kidz Life, Children up to 5th grade
Student Bible Study 6th-12th grade
We are an active church family with a steady calendar of outreach and mission opportunities. Our goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to every continent.
If you have further questions about church membership, please don't hesitate to contact one of our ministers. They will be happy to help you understand in greater detail how you might be a part of the fellowship of Immanuel.
If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and would like to know more about what this means, please visit with one of our ministers.
A New Beginning Class (for those wanting to know more about Immanuel) is offered almost every month, so our next class is just around the corner!
For more information on how to serve at Immanuel, to join, or to join a mission opportunity, download our app.